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Robert Raymond Risor
This is a photo that was taken about 1982.  It was cropped out of a family portrait to be used for the memorial.
Daddy sitting in the yard.  What a cutie!!!!!!!!!!
Daddy in the yard again.  I am not sure what he has in his hands, but it looks like a garden hose.
This picture of my father was taken on his 2nd birthday.  He always had an amazing smile.
It is hard to believe he was ever this small.
Here is a picture of dad with a bow and arrow.
Daddy with a lunchpail.
This is my dad's Air Force picture.  I think he is about 22 years old here.
Here he is as a young man. I am not sure why he was in a suit.
Here is my dad with my sister, Donna.  I don't think she's too impressed with the fish.
This is a picture of my mom and dad on my mother's 39th birthday.<br>(1981)
This is my dad, my sister Donna, and I on my mom's 39th birthday.<br>(1981)
This picture is self-explanatory.  The one thing my dad loved as much as fishing was his snakes.
This is a group picture of the Taylor's Ferry Volunteer Fire Department crew.  You will see my dad in the middle of the second row.  He was the chief.
Here is an early family photo.  This was taken in 1978.
This is a picture of my father feeding my brother Mike a bottle.  This picture was taken around 1958-59.
This was taken at Rhema Bible College in Broken Arrow on December 22, 2002.  It was the first time he had ever seen all of the lights there.  It is also the last picture of us taken together.
This is my father's headstone in the National Cemetery in Ft. Gibson, Oklahoma. His rank was Airman 1st Class.

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